Why Should Businesses Use Pinterest In Their Marketing Strategy with Cecilia Amato, Founder of Rosy Aura & Co

business growth tips from experts Sep 05, 2024

Did you know that Pinterest Marketing can help you to significantly increase your website views and widen your reach? Well, once you crack the code of how to use Pinterest strategically. Cecilia Amato, Pinterest marketing consultant and founder of Rosy Aura & Co joins us on the blog to speak about why brands should integrate Pinterest marketing into their marketing strategy and what benefits they can derive from utilising Pinterest. 

Hi Cecilia, tell us more about yourself and your business. What inspired you to launch it?

Funnily enough, I didn’t start in marketing or even business. I started out as a nurse because I innately like to serve others and identify as a highly sensitive person. Ironically, as the COVID pandemic hit, my sensitivity led me to nurse burnout and prompted me to look elsewhere for a new career. I’ve always had the desire for independence and the chance to be creative, so creative virtual assistant roles are what I searched for. 

I was pulled towards Pinterest marketing management because, unlike social media, there is no social engagement required, so I got to only focus on the fun part - graphic design. Because Pinterest is a search engine, there is a logic to the way it works and how you leverage it for business. I love anything that uses both sides of my brain. I’m inspired to use my Pinterest marketing skills to grow businesses dedicated to mental health and wellness. Having lived with anxiety and ADHD, I feel an urge to help others like myself. 

So what is Pinterest? 

Pinterest is a visual search engine. Similar to Google or Youtube, people come there to look up ideas, inspiration, and information about a question they have. Pinterest is unique because it uses “pins”, or small images or video, instead of a list of words as search results. Pins provide what I like to think of as “store window displays”. You receive little previews of a piece of content, like little “breadcrumbs”, that you can follow to a website, where you can see the rest of the content. Usually, the content is a landing page where you can read a blog post, watch a video, or listen to a podcast. Pins are wonderful as a visual tool because they are memorable and can be “pinned” to a board where a user can come back later to reuse these pins to access content again. 

How can Pinterest be used for business growth? 

Pinterest can be used to grow brand awareness, build brand loyalty, and convert leads to sales faster. There are over 450 million Pinterest users with a diversity of ages, genders, and geolocations. Previously, Pinterest has been associated with content on home decor, recipes, and fashion, but new niches appear on the platform every day, such as acupuncture, filmmaking, or medical devices. With the large representation of all kinds of customers in different demographics and niches, who use the platform weekly, there is a massive marketing opportunity for all kinds of businesses. Unlike social media, which is also a place for people to come to browse or to be entertained, search engines are for people who come with a specific goal or action in mind, so their users are far more likely to purchase than someone from social media. 

What are the benefits of using Pinterest Marketing?

Pinterest can be used as a powerful marketing tool because it marries together the strengths of other platforms: the captivating imagery of Instagram with the motivated buyers of Google. People often come to Pinterest searching for something, but not brand specific. They are looking to discover new brands and companies. Pinterest users are also planners, they plan on what they want to buy, not now, but a few months in advance for an upcoming event, like a baby shower, birthday, or other holiday. They “pin” different products to a board that they plan to return to later to make a purchasing decision. They are slower shoppers, but when they do shop, they tend to purchase higher-priced items.

Pins are more powerful than social media posts because they gain in popularity the older they are. Social media posts often peak after only 1-2 days and require that you post multiple times per day to stay on users’ newsfeeds, otherwise, your content will quickly be forgotten. With Pinterest, the older pins are, they actually rise to the top of search results. Over time, you require far fewer pins to make an impact since people will see them multiple times on their search results for months and even years.

How has Pinterest helped your clients?

Pinterest has helped my clients be found more easily by those already searching for their products or services. My clients are able to spend less money on marketing expenses and time spent on other platforms because Pinterest needs less than a year’s worth of pin designs to generate thousands of website visitors that last over years. They receive a much higher return on their investment. For example, I have a client who has only 40 pins and has not posted anything new in over 3 years, but those 40 pins generate over 1 million views monthly. 

Where can our readers learn more about your services?

They can head to our website: https://www.rosyauraco.com/. We also have Instagram and Facebook accounts - we regularly post blog articles about Pinterest marketing and offer free marketing resources.

Cecilia Amato is an official service partner of the Co-created Hub, offering exclusive benefits to our members and community. Head to our Co-created Service Directory for business growth resources and perks provided by Rosy Aura & Co.

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