September 2022 Horoscopes - Vedic Astrology

holistic wellness Sep 04, 2022

By Dr Surya Chaudhri, Vedic Astrology Expert

Vedic astrology is based on sidereal time, and it takes into consideration the ascendant (the rising sign) and the moon sign, where your moon is placed in your birth chart, unlike Western astrology where the sun sign is taken into account. The moon sign can give detailed insights into a person's innate gifts, inner world and potential. To find out what your ascendant and moon sign is, you can google ‘Free Vedic Astrology Birth Chart’ and find a relevant website, fill in your personal details (name, place of birth and time of birth), and the software will prepare your birth chart. 

In regards to the monthly predictions below, I recommend that you read the horoscopes for your ascendant and moon sign. For example, if your ascendant is Aries and your moon sign is in Gemini, read the horoscope for both Aries and Gemini. These are general predictions for the current month; if you would like to receive a personalised prediction for the next three months or book a detailed birth chart reading, you can do so here. To those of you who are new to the subject of Vedic Astrology, you can read my blog interview where I explain how it differs from Western Astrology. 

September 2022 Horoscopes

Aries - If your ascendant OR your moon sign is Aries, then this is going to be a month where you will get more involved in healing and everything to do with making yourself healthier. You might also put forth more effort and time into the workplace, where you may uncover a lot of things that are going to help you tremendously with your work. This is a remarkable time for you. You must be careful about your spending this month as you might be overdoing it. So, be cautious and don't be impulsive. You may also find a little disruption in the family matters this month so, just be aware.

Taurus - If your ascendant OR your moon sign is Taurus, then this month you’re going to be clearer with your thinking process, however, you may have to go back and re-do a lot of things to help you make your life better. You may feel so much more creative and you may want to finish old projects that you have already started. You may be meeting up with a lot of old friends and past connections this month. You may encounter a little disruption with your relationships, so be patient, and don't be impulsive with other people.

Gemini - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Gemini, then there may be some big changes with where you're living; maybe you're thinking about moving but regardless of your move, you must be taking really good care of the house and making plans to re-assess things and make your property better. You may be looking at another home and may have some family gatherings. Opportunities may be coming up in your career. There may be people from your past who are coming back to the workplace OR an opportunity from people you already know. These opportunities may help you progress in your position. However, be aware of people talking behind your back- it may be because you're doing pretty well and they may be jealous.

Cancer - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Cancer, then you may have a real quest for learning new things, taking courses, and reading ferociously. Right now, your mind is expanding and you may be revisiting things from your past that you used to study. This is going to bring you to a higher position with more knowledge and that may help you in the future. You might reconnect with some of your old friends and they may be getting on your nerves by draining your energy. Be careful not to let people take advantage of you- your friends, and the groups you know.

Leo - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Leo, then, you are going to be re-assessing the financial matter. You may have to go back and figure out where the money has been going. This may help you to make a lot more money and be better off in the long run. So, take advantage of this time period to re-assess and change some of the things on which you were spending. A lot more money may come to you from other people. You are progressing work-wise, but be aware to not make your boss angry. Maybe it's time for you to start thinking about becoming your own boss as well.

Virgo - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Virgo, then this is a time to reassess everything about your relationships. If you're not in a relationship, this might be a good time to get into one, as there may be someone new coming around or someone that you are very interested in; it may even be somebody you already know. If you are already in a relationship, then it is time to repair what has not been going well. It's a time for healing, reflecting, going back, and making changes so that you can improve your current relationship. You may be prompted to travel, maybe to visit your father.

Libra - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Libra, then this is a time when a lot of old memories may be coming back and your dreams may be vivid of people from your past. Pay attention; lots of information is being revealed to you on a subconscious level that might bring you healing which will help you in the future. These are facts that are being presented to you in your dreams. You might be trying to get healthy and strong, and this is a great time for focusing on your health and healing. You may have to share some of your financial reserves with others, be aware of this. Otherwise, this is a great time for healing and a good time for you to adopt a new pet.

Scorpio - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Scorpio, then you may come in contact with lots and lots of old friends; there may be a lot of communication, meetings, and new ideas. New ideas may come about through rehashing things that you may have been working on in the past. It's a good time to socialize, attend social events, and make new friendships. This is also an amazing time for inventiveness and creativity. Financial gains are expected. You may have some issues or some flare-ups with your partner (if you have one), just be calm and patient because they may not be. Don't make any changes or be impulsive in the area of relationships.

Sagittarius - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Sagittarius, then this is a time for a career change. Making improvements, while working with people at work may help you move up in your position. This is an amazing time for making a change, either work-wise OR you might be changing where you live. However, you may have some issues with coworkers because you are probably outperforming them.

Capricorn - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Capricorn, then this is a time of incredible learning. There can be some travels as well but learning shall open your mind to new information. You may meet your father if he's still around. You may be all over the place with learning and travelling. If you have any children, be on the lookout - they may be needing more attention.

Aquarius - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Aquarius, then this month there are a lot of things from your past that you may have to revisit. You may have to deal with transformational changes from your past and go back and look at some money matters that need to be worked on. You are doing fine financially and at this time this is not going to be a concern, but you are probably thinking about moving to another house or buying a house.

Pisces - If your Ascendant OR your moon sign is Pisces, then this is the time to work on your relationships and come to an agreement on matters that maybe you didn't agree on before. This is the best time for you to make some concessions and some compromises that may make you happy. Your partner may be doing very well, so give them a lot of compliments and this will help your relationship improve leaps and bounds. You might be travelling more than usual and learning new things. 


Dr Surya Chaudhri is a Vedic Astrology Expert, Relationship Counselor and Medical Professional with more than 25 years of experience in the field of Vedic Astrology and Strategic Leadership of Medical Affairs. His strategic orientation skills coupled with the ability to interpret key planetary movements have allowed him to coach and guide professionals and entrepreneurs from various industries with the help of Vedic Astrology. 


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